
Meditation is work with awareness.

There are infinite ways of meditation. I will mention some of them…


1. to observe

  • inside
    • part of the body (knee, dan tian, heart etc.)
    • vital process (breathing, heartbeat, digesting, etc.)
    • quality of tissue (tension, expanding, condensing)
    • emotions
    • mind
  • outside
    • sense (to see, hear, feel, smell etc.
    • extrasensory (be aware of your clothes, room, space around)
    • communicate


2. to influence

  • inside
    • part of body
      • tension of muscles
      • expanding and condensing the quality of the body
    • vital process (breathing, heartbeat, digesting, etc.)
    • quality of tissue (tension, expanding, condensing)
    • emotions
    • mind
    • flow of energy
  • outside
    • moving objects
    • manipulating people, animals
    • send energy
    • curse


3. to communicate

  • with other people – telepathy 
  • with animals, plants, crystals
  • with ghosts, Jesus / Buddha, angels
  • with Universe/Oneness/God
  • send energy


4. to be in the present statically


5. to be in the present dynamically

flow: dance, play, fight, make love, create, work. etc.


6. healing

  • diagnose
  • heal
    • let the energy flows via yourself
    • use your attention
  • yourself / others


7. materialisation

create the picture in the future: partner/family, peace/war, house/car, place where you are, etc.


8. sleeping – lucid dreaming


9. astral travelling


Freedom to move II