Flow or Crystallise


by Tibi Moravcik

A young body is elastic, resilient, smooth and flexible…
Through ageing, our bodies and mind crystallise. However, there is a method to cope with and prevent this crystallisation process, therefore keeping the body younger!

The qualities of the crystallisation process are very similar to frozen water.
Crystallised – frozen water doesn’t flow.
Ice is breakable – crystallised bodies become brittle and lose flexibility and plasticity.
Ice is cold – also, the old crystallised body is colder – blood circulation is weaker and slower.
The ice flows are crashing instead of smoothly flowing.

What affects this process?
The Crystallisation process of our body and mind is increasing by:
– condensing power – stress
– tension
– repetitive work
– poor usage
– resistance, etc.

How to slow down the crystallisation process (ageing) of your body and mind?
Firstly you have to use it – training it.
Stretching is good. However, expanding our body helps even more. Of course, the best way is to engage both synergies: expanding and stretching. Do not forget to expand your mind also!
Accept and flow with surroundings rather than resist and crash. Activities such as dance, martial arts, sports, etc., are perfect. Same with your mind – go to flow.
The waving movement breaks down crystalised tissue.
Relax – be aware and get rid of undesirable tension.
Balance your posture to be more relaxed.
Keep flaming your Inner Fire. It helps you to expand and keep balance. Breathe deeply and smoothly.
Massaging the body makes it more supple and relaxed. It increases blood and lymphatic flow.
Avoid stress and learn to cope with it.

Learn to develop your latent abilities and unlimited movement by engaging the body’s fascia.



Wave – Flow of Kinetic Energy

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