Wave VS Line

Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates.”
“Everything flows, out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum-swing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates.”
The Kybalion

My recent online class inspired me to think:
It’s the line or the wave the quickest and more efficient to move?


Naturally, we oscillate and waving when we walk:

Cyclists waving to be quicker:


Water animals are a great example of waving:


We reinvent new, more efficient ‘wave wheels’:


We are using waves – hairpin turn to go to a hill easier:


Photons flow via waves :

In this illustration, one photon (purple) carries a million times the energy of another (yellow). Some theorists predict travel delays for higher-energy photons, which interact more strongly with the proposed frothy nature of space-time. Yet Fermi data on two photons from a gamma-ray burst fail to show this effect, eliminating some approaches to a new theory of gravity. The animation link below shows the delay scientists had expected to observe.



Energy flows via waves:


Sound flows via waves:


Radiation flows via waves:

The waves are healing.

Waves mechanically break down crystallised rigid structures. It is the same as waving with a frozen towel breaking its crystals, waving with crystallised tissue.

The same happens with tissue of our bodies – fasciae, muscles, tendons and ligaments. Therefore, if, for example, we have a stiff neck, we wiggle and save around the neck and shoulders to help us. If we know it, we can consciously heal ourselves and keep our bodies supple and youthful.


Wave – Flow of Kinetic Energy

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Aspects of Movement