Decision-Making Centres of a Person

I write the following lines to deepen my understanding of the motivations behind my actions. I share them because they may inspire others, and I welcome discussion.

The division of decision-making centres is symbolic and indicative; in reality, the centres are interconnected, mutually influencing each other, and multiple centres often contribute to the final decision.

Main Decision-Making Centres of a Person:

Heart. Through the Heart, our essence manifests, which is also referred to as Consciousness, Soul, or Love.
Living according to the Heart leads to happiness, peace, and calm. A person connected to their Heart is playful and creative, living more in the present. They perceive beyond the senses, allowing themselves to be guided by intuition and recognizing synchronicities.
Desires do not drive the Heart.
With an open heart, we often feel a flow of warmth.

Belly. Through the belly, the ego expresses itself. Its role is to protect and secure us.
A person driven by the ego often acts out of fear and is under stress.
They desire to have more, to dominate and exploit others, which leads to aggression and conflict.
They seek recognition, assert themselves, and prove their importance.
The belly leads to pleasures, not happiness.

Genitals. Their role is to ensure reproduction. We feel desire, butterflies in the stomach, and so on. A person is capable of altruism, but the genitals often lead to conflict.
The path dictated by the genitals does not lead to happiness but to pleasure. Pleasure fades quickly after the experience, while happiness lasts longer and persists even after experiencing blissful moments.


Before, I considered the head and mind to be a decision-making centre. Today, I perceive it more as an executive manager working for the decision-making centres.
The head works for whichever centre prevails. When the belly predominates, the head is occupied with acquiring wealth and fighting for power.
If the genitals prevail, the head works toward achieving sexual goals, though the belly often predominates in those cases.
Women often feel additional responsibility for their (could be unborn yet) children, which may give the belly more weight for them than for men. So, it seems easier for men to make decisions based on the Heart.

Ideally, the head primarily works for the Heart in developing and expanding Consciousness, opening the Heart and Mind while also considering the needs of the belly and genitals.


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Aspects of Movement