Where Does the Evolution of Life Go?

by Tibi Moravcik


Life is evolving from smaller, simpler structures to more complex ones.
To illustrate this basic trend, let’s simplify the process of evolution:
Atoms create molecular structures. Molecules form bacteria, viruses, and mitochondria. These evolve into single-cell organisms, creating multicellular organisms that eventually live in societies.


What Drives Life Toward Complexity?

Likelihood to survive.
The chance of survival increases with collaboration and group size. Smaller structures realise that their chances of survival improve in larger groups and through higher levels of cooperation.
So, once cell organisms began to collaborate and create multi-cell organisms, multi-organisms began to collaborate to create group-living – socialised life.
Humans followed this trend, living in tribes of 20-150 members for millennia before forming larger societies: cities, states, and empires.
Bacteria, cells, multi-cell organisms, social tribes, cities, states, and empires usually compete with each other; however, there is quite a high level of collaboration in their society.


What is the Next Evolutionary Step?

Following this evolutionary trend, the next step is for humans to collaborate to create a new living organism: global collective intelligence, a neural network of humanity in which individuals function like cells in a larger organism.
In global humanity, we won’t waste our energy in competition, but we synergise our potential to cope with new challenges like environmental crises, human immunity, declining genetic resilience, etc.


A New Form of Competition

Competition wouldn’t disappear but would have a different aim. Instead of competing to dominate and exploit, humans would compete to contribute meaningfully to global humanity. This mirrors how traditional tribes valued members based on their usefulness to the group.


The Challenges Ahead

Humanity faces its greatest challenge: transitioning to this new stage. Success requires:

1) To See Ourselves from a Higher Perspective
Recognise that we are also more than individuals. We are parts of larger units: families, tribes, nations, global humanity, Gaia (Earth), and the whole Universe.
Living in a new global structure, we won’t have to be stressed or afraid of other competitive humans or what happens to us when we are weak, sick, or old because, in a new society, we would also consider the interests of all members and the whole live on this planet.
This newfound purpose could become the best remedy for modern issues like depression.

2) Opening Ourselves
Closing separates us from Oneness; we unite with our surroundings by opening. So far, we have been dividing to be conquered.
Now, we need to open our bodies, minds and hearts. We can start with the body. In ancient times, people believed that in a shrunken, closed body, lives squeezed and weak Spirit. When we expand and open up our bodies, the Spirit has space to expand and become strong. The ego cannot control and suppress a strong Spirit; the mind is helping to follow the Spirit’s aims.

3) Synergetic Communication
The new paradigm demands a new way of communication. Instead of taking an individual approach, we could synergise our potential and begin thinking and creating solutions together.
The Internet provides a foundation, but we need advanced information technologies to enhance synergetic communication. AI can play a crucial role here. 


With Respect and Love 

Over the last century, we have tried to create a society of collaboration, but it hasn’t worked as we hoped.
Because ‘communist systems’ forced us to collaborate! We didn’t collaborate because we wanted it from the deepest of our hearts; we collaborated because we must. Those who didn’t want to collaborate were punished. That created a fake moral and antagonistic force, so the system must fall.

The systems didn’t respect us. It didn’t respect our individuality. It tried to unify us.
Individuality is our gift. Respected individuality allows us to contribute more to global humanity and have a higher creative potential.

Humans act from fear or love. Fear closes and separates us. We need to be open to merging. Only if we act from love can we fully develop our potential.



We must have the option not to join our global tribe. However, those who don’t want to be part of the global circle of love and synergy will not benefit from synergistic collaboration! This is very similar to the traditional tribe, as everybody could leave the traditional tribe. However, without a tribe, life would be much more difficult.

So, people can live outside of the global circle of synergy and collaboration in the old competitive society (where people live in a permanent fight to dominate and exploit each other). Our global synergetic tribe will be in a competitive relationship with people out of the circle and will protect us from attack from the outside.

This way, we don’t need a bloody revolution. We don’t need a fight with the old selfish system. We just don’t give him our attention. Without our attention, the old system will decline as a flower without water.


How could it happen?

The new collaborative circle doesn’t need to begin in one place. We can live where we live and create new collaborative connections in an old competitive society. We create the inner circle, where we act toward each other as Oneness. In the relatively outward world, we keep similar relationships as we have so far. It will parallelly coexist two kinds of society.
As people awaken and open up, more of us will live as a global humanity. People will have the option to live in stress, fear, and depression as lonely entities fighting each other or to live in a much more efficient system and feel a sense of belonging with other human beings.
People living in the old sociopathic system will be just an irrelevant minority – a more theoretical option.




1) I/we have the right not to act.
I/we cannot be forced to act according to someone else’s expectations.

2) I/we have the right to act according to our conscience and beliefs, provided it does not harm others physically.
I/we have the right to decide how I/we live.
I/we have the right and responsibility to participate directly in decisions about how we live, both as individuals and as members of groups to which we belong.

3) I/we have the right to live by the principle of subsidiarity, where lower organisational levels hold greater authority. Higher societal structures may only perform tasks that cannot be accomplished at lower levels. (A tolerant self-governing democracy—not a “dictatorship of the majority”!)

4) I/we have the unconditional right to live freely on the planet’s surface.
The planet exists without someone’s contribution, so no one can own Mother Earth.
I/we have the right to use the land (territory) where I/we live (as is common in nature).


The Choice Is Ours

So, we can consciously embrace Vis Major’s plan and take the next evolutionary step.
Or we can keep fighting about domination and exploitation. However, we have to be aware that with our level of technology to kill, it is only a matter of time before we destroy ourselves through actions like nuclear war.
Life will persist and try it again – with or without us. The decision lies in our hands…


To be continued…

Synergetic communication

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Aspects of Movement