Flow CI festival Warsaw ’21

Flow CI festival Warsaw ’21

Flow CI festival Warsaw '21 Photos by Katarzyna Sołtys

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The internal channel for power

The internal channel for power

by Tibi Moravcik This blog will explain how you can proactively prepare the channel for power flow. The power flowing into your body will affect it - that’s a physical low. However, since the power flows into your body, it’s your decision how and where the power flows. Relaxed muscles collapse, and solid muscles transfer the power further. You choose which joint to collapse and with which to transfer the power. E.g. if you push my fingers, my fingers can collapse, or I can transfer the power to a wrist. The wrist can collapse or transfer the power to an elbow, a shoulder, a spine,...

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Systema London Bridge

Wednesday 7 pm – 8.30 pm Training is outdoor on Leathermarket Gardens close to Bermondsey Village Hall (Kirby Grove, London SE1 3TD) Price London: first training: voluntarily training: £15 monthly 1x per week: £40 10+3 card (13 trainings): £150 (value £195) 20+8 card (28 trainings): £300 (value £420) private lesson: 1st hour £55, following hours on one block £40 e.g. 3h is £135 (55+40+40) (if it’s further from London Bridge + travel time £30 p/h) Bank details: T MORAVCIK BUSINESS Sort Code 20-88-13 Account no. 03267636 IBAN GB08 BARC 2088 1303 2676 36 Paypal:...

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Systema – Tunbridge Wells

Monday 7.00 – 8.30 pm Outdoor at Lower Common Price Tunbridge Wells: first training: voluntarily 1 training: £12 1 training weekly: £30 per month 10+3 card: £100  (value £156) 20+8 card: £200 (value £336) Systema is a smart martial art and self-defence system, based on being relaxed. The aspects, which we are developing in Systema, are going across all kinetic activities: martial arts, sports, dance or yoga. Contact Tibor 07788 538 272 wtibor@yahoo.co.uk for more details Tibi’s Systema tested by a professional UFC fighter.   private...

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Reaction and Flow

Reaction and Flow

by Tibi Moravcik One of the most characteristic qualities of life is movement, adaptability - response to surroundings… Often even our lives depend on the quality of our response. Therefore it would predetermine our success in evolution.  So, no wonder we created many activities to improve our reactions: games, dance, martial arts, sports...     How to make our response quicker and be more successful in life? We will explain in movements; however, the same principles are valid in the mental area of our being. Let's have a deeper look at two different kinds...

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Wave VS Line

Wave VS Line

"Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates." "Everything flows, out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum-swing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates." The Kybalion My recent online class inspired me to think: It’s the line or the wave the quickest and more efficient to move? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=opZwYaO3nm4   Naturally, we oscillate and waving when we walk: Cyclists waving to be quicker:   Water animals are a great...

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Flow or Crystallise

Flow or Crystallise

  by Tibi Moravcik A young body is elastic, resilient, smooth and flexible… Through ageing, our bodies and mind crystallise. However, there is a method to cope with and prevent this crystallisation process, therefore keeping the body younger! The qualities of the crystallisation process are very similar to frozen water. Crystallised - frozen water doesn't flow. Ice is breakable - crystallised bodies become brittle and lose flexibility and plasticity. Ice is cold - also, the old crystallised body is colder - blood circulation is weaker and slower. The ice flows are crashing...

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Systema is a smart martial art and self-defence system based on being relaxed.Moving without undesirable tension makes your movement more efficient.To be efficient, you must flow on your body – kinetic energy.Being relaxed also improves your ability to adapt – and synchronise.Being aware of tension and coping with stress is good not just for fighting but also for health. Systema is not the usual martial art with characteristic movements or techniques. We focus on how to do it rather than what to do.The aspects we are developing in Systema apply to all kinetic activities:...

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Flow – state of mind

Flow – state of mind

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia     In positive psychology, flow, also known as the zone, is the mental state of operation in which a person performing an activity is fully immersed in a feeling of energized focus, full involvement, and enjoyment in the process of the activity. In essence, flow is characterized by complete absorption in what one does. Achieving flow is often referred to as being in the zone. Flow is completely focused motivation. It is a single-minded immersion and represents perhaps the ultimate experience in harnessing the emotions in the service...

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by Tibi Moravcik   Let’s analyse some aspects and ways how we make steps…   Balance perspective   1. falling forward The body is off balance - falling down before the leg touches the ground.    2. keep balance, touch the ground, and then shift weight The leg firstly touches the ground, then shifts body mass to the front leg. We usually walk like this when we are not sure about the ground and want to check it before putting our body weight there. 3. keep the free leg hanging under the body The leg is relaxed, hanging under the body. It doesn’t matter...

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