

by Tibi Moravcik The most efficient posture is balanced. Every deflection from balance is compensated with extra muscle work or hanging on tissue in the worse position.   You acted upon by two main forces: Gravity pulls you down, and fire pulls you up. A healthy body can flow like water. However, at the same moment, it’s able to expand & uplift like fire, pulled by vital energy upwards to the sky. In Asian Vedic branches, these energies are also known as Yin & Yang, Chi or Ki, Prana, Kundalini… In Slavic Veda, we called Zhiva or Život. How does...

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Meditation is work with awareness. There are infinite ways of meditation. I will mention some of them...   1. to observe inside part of the body (knee, dan tian, heart etc.) vital process (breathing, heartbeat, digesting, etc.) quality of tissue (tension, expanding, condensing) emotions mind outside sense (to see, hear, feel, smell etc. extrasensory (be aware of your clothes, room, space around) communicate   2. to influence inside part of body tension of muscles expanding and condensing the quality of the body ...

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Chi Kung / Qigong

Chi Kung / Qigong

In our Chi Kung (Qigong) program, we focus on: 1. Fire 2. Expand and condense 3. Balance 4. Breathing 5. Relax 6. The Sun’s and Sky’s energy   1. Fire Fire is the power which lifts us every morning from the bed against the gravitational power. Different cultures call this vital energy of life differently… The Chinese call it Chi or Qi, Indian Prana or Kundalini, in Slavic culture it is called Zhiva (Živa / Жива  “zhiv” = alive; “zhivot” = life). In the English language, I prefer to use the word ‘Fire’, because it evokes the quality and helps us visualise...

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Veda – Liquid Yoga

  Vedic culture base on Holistic point of view, that: We Are Oneness. Our aim is to better understand, feel and aware of our Body, Mind and Spirit. We analyse related aspects to gain a clear understanding of how they operate. Then we study how they are related to one Holistic picture: Veda - Liquid Yoga. Define principles according to which we move and exist it's like find the fractal pattern on which are creating the fractal of our being.   Let's start with the aspects which we need. Today we are quite focused and condensed. It would help if we relaxed...

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Liquid Power

Liquid Power

Accept & Flow Being stiff, rigid – condense, is not the best idea in most situations. In this model, we are not using kinetic energy. We often try to resist it or even fight it. It’s much more effective to accept and flow with energy. A liquid body can surf on waves of kinetic energy accumulating speed and power, which is then used as a pendulum, catapult, whip etc.  Firstly we harmonise and synchronise with our kinetic energy, and then we flow of others. We need to harness the inner feeling (kinesthesia & proprioception) to use kinetic energy.   What...

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Dynamic Meditation

  Vedic culture base on Holistic point of view, that: We Are Oneness. Our aim is to better understand, feel and aware of our Body, Mind and Spirit. We analyse related aspects to gain a clear understanding of how they operate. Then we study how they are related to one Holistic picture. Define principles according to which we move and exist it's like find the fractal pattern on which are creating the fractal of our being.   Let's start with the aspects which we need. Today we are quite focused and condensed. It would help if we relaxed and expand. Then...

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Free to move by breathing – Zoom lesson

Free to move by breathing – Zoom lesson

Let me invite you to my Zoom lesson, where you realise how breathing can help you to move freely. You learn and get an experience: 1) how to breath to reduce fear, stress and pain, 3) how to cut the link between breathing and movement, and move freely without hesitation with exhaling and inhaling, 2) how inhalation and exhalation change the quality of your body and motion, 3) when we usually subconsciously hold our breath and create undesirable tension. Tibi Moravcik  Russian Systema isntructor Chi Kung  Instructor Sifu of Wing Chun Kung Fu Physio & Massage Therapist Pravilo therapist Creator...

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Veda – synergised wisdom

Veda – synergised wisdom

We synergise knowledge from these main sources: a) Personal experience b) Ancient wisdom c) Modern knowledge   We study, analyse and feel all related aspects of human movement to synergise them into one holistic picture.   This Podcast explain our concept: Personal experience Know Thyself You are the primary source of knowledge; study yourself, play, observe, and feel.   Ancient wisdom Vedic culture   We draw much from our Vedic civilisation, the mother of many cultures, philosophies,...

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Power of social contact

by Tibi Moravcik A human is a social creature. We take power from social contacts. Mental health most of us needs attention from others, we need touch and hug… Your main power is your attention. If you pay attention, you are giving a kind of energy another person cannot create by itself. Pay attention to each other, we scratch back. The magic of life is, that receiver of attention can take more energy than you send! By Synergy, we create energy through social contact. 1+1=3 Also, Love is a kind of synergy energy.   Social contact is healing. Today many people heal...

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True colour in the Dark Room

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