

Life today is riddled with fear. We`re being scared by everyone. Turn on the TV and you are surrounded by horrors. Go online and get a load of new nightmares. Visit your local bank or store and you hear the same topics on everyone’s lips: the financial crisis, rising crime, inflation, taxes, social instability, skyrocketing prices, high unemployment, etc. Even the most optimistic person would have difficulty remaining untouched by these seeds of unrest and worries which can’t help but taint our mood and create negative thoughts. Yet, it wasn’t always like this! Just a century ago, it was not uncommon...

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Seven breathing principles Systema

Seven breathing principles Systema

Tibi is learning from master Vladimir Vasiliev 1. Relax The best breathing is relaxed. Tension restricts your breathing and other movements. To feel the force you should be relaxed. The force flows better through a relaxed body. Unnecessary tension is wasting your energy – relax makes you more effective. Being relaxed and breathing properly helps you to cope with stress, fear, panic, pain. You feel happier when relaxed! 2. Inhale through the nose & exhale through the mouth Your body has better control of the volume & speed of intake air. The nose also performs important...

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[vc_row][vc_column][vc_single_image image="517" img_size="full" alignment="center"][vc_column_text]The body knows what to do to survive. The mind is much slower than the body’s instincts and the mind makes a lot of mistakes. It’s not good if the mind overrides the instinct. However, you need the mind to defend, because instincts knows just to survive. Therefore, the instinct* is leading the movement, use the mind to modify the instinct, according to the situation**. * Bruce Lee said: ‘Empty your mind’. ** it maybe necessary to strike, it maybe necessary just to control somebody,...

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[vc_row][vc_column][vc_single_image image="525" img_size="full" alignment="center"][vc_column_text]Humans has been living and hunting similar to pack of wolves for a millions years. We are not hunting few for a thousands years. Could we have lost it? No, we just forgot to use it. Good Martial Art teaches you how to wake up your instincts,  to learn to use it, and control it (don’t be under control of instincts).[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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The centre of gravity vs the centre of buoyancy in martial arts by Jacob D. Biamonte I’m about to explain the ‘principle of uniform pressure’. But first, I need to talk about something else first. The centre of buoyancy (CoB) is the average mass of an object. Whereas the centre of gravity (CoG) is the average effect gravity has on the object. So if I were to attach a bunch of styrofoam to my chest, my CoG would change very little but my CoB would change considerably more. The opposite would ring true if I replaced the styrofoam with a lead weight. Why is this relevant? Well, your CoG is the thing...

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Why is Martial Art true Art?

The expression or application of human creative skill and imagination. Law of energy efficiency: “Use as little force as possible” leads a Martial Artist to flow smoothly & move lightly like dancers (of course that Martial Artists need to be sharper, more dynamic & are probably in different state of mind.). Then, the Martial Artist create movements spontaneously as a proper artist. In the fight a Martial Artist often uses the right brain’s hemisphere (the holistic & creative; the left one is more linear). Bruce Lee calls it ’empty mind‘ or we also say: ‘going...

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Does McGregor practice Russian Systema?

Does McGregor practice Russian Systema?

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] ”The hard and stiff will be broken. The soft and supple will prevail.” Lao Tzu What’s different about Conor McGregor? In a time, when most MMA fighters believe that hard tension guarantees a destructive strike, he does the opposite - he relaxes himself and uses a flowing body... Conor McGregor “Spaghetti Arms” Old fashion ‘hard’ stylists are probably laughing at his weird  “spaghetti arms” movements..  They believe in solid construction, they don’t understand the benefits of the bodywave. Those who don’t understand this...

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Slovak Words With a Root ‘Ved’ / ‘Veda’

Slovak Words With a Root ‘Ved’ / ‘Veda’

dovednosť - skill medveď - bear (knows where honey is) nevedomosť - darkness, ignorance odpoved - answer odvededný - be escorted podvedomie - subconsciousness povedať - to tell povedomie - cognisance prevedenie - 1. accomplishment; 2. transfer predpoved - prediction predvedenie - performance, execution svedomie - conscience usvedčenie - conviction uvedomiť si - realise veda - 1. knowledge (same as in Sanskrit); 2. science vedec - scientist vedenie - 1. leadership; 2. knowledge vedieť - to know vedľajší - irrelevant vedma...

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