Sensational stress management

Play with stress,
study how it affects you,
feel which techniques release it…


Relax. Stress is linked to mental & physical tension.

Breath – be aware of holding your breath.

Liquid quality feel the difference.

Accept – don’t resist.

Flow – synchronise with the world.


How does it work?

Our exercises lead you to stressful situations, where you can feel and study how stress affects your body and mind

Stress affects mental and physical tension. Tension affects stress. Mental tension affects physical tension and vice versa.
To be aware of your physical tension you can be aware of your stress; to control your physical tension you can control your stress.
You can feel which techniques release tension. Your unforgettable personal experience with stress is better than ten books of theory.

You become aware of the bad habit of holding your breath.
Your new balanced posture creates less undesirable tension.
Your new liquid vibrant body and mind will be open to accepting external forces, and you will be able to flow and synchronise with the world…


Who developed this program?

Russian Systema (the system) comes with realistic stress management for warriors, which works even in the most stressful situation: during a fight. This method is measurable and scientifically proved.
Systema stress management program is successfully used by special forces, police units and security services around the world.

Tibi has been learning Systema stress management from Vladimir Vasiliev, Colonel Mikhail Ryabko and other masters.

However, the principles of army stress management are applicable to all daily life and work-related situations.
Therefore I create the methodology of how this functional stress management can be taught civilians as managers, doctors, teachers, sportsmen, or dancers…

If you are interested in the system of stress management, contact me we will tailor-make for your workshop or course.

Tibi Moravcik

07788 538 272



Read more about Dynamic Stress Management