Synergetic communication



This is a continuum of the previous article:
Where Does the Evolution of Life Go?

by Tibi Moravcik


The way we communicate shapes the way we live.
Without hesitation, we can place some of the most groundbreaking human inventions—language, writing, the printing press, the telegraph, the radio, and the Internet—at the heart of human progress.


The Evolution of Human Communication

In early human tribes and clans, people made decisions together in circles. Ideas evolved in spirals, harnessing the collective potential of all participants. Circles were a natural decision-making method for smaller groups.



However, as our societies grew, the limitations of the circle became apparent. With more people, waiting time to speak lengthened, slowing the flow of information until this method became impractical.

This gave rise to a hierarchy. The cost? A loss of freedom and limited bottom-up communication. Most information flowed top-down as orders, leaving the pyramid’s base—passive recipients—untapped for their creative potential.

The Internet has revolutionised communication dynamics. It processes vast amounts of information efficiently, enabling millions to share proposals and communicate in real-time without physical gatherings. It opens the door to:

Synergic Communication

After the circle and hierarchy comes a new model: the neural network. The Internet is a marked step toward this evolution.

Visual aids, such as the Top View graph, illustrate intersections of shared information. White areas represent universal agreement, while yellow, purple, and azure indicate partial overlaps. The Side View graph prioritises information, beginning with core essentials and delving through branches of interest into deeper layers.


New Way to Share Knowledge

This approach fundamentally transforms how we develop and share ideas, learn, and manage our information flow.

For instance, instead of reading thousands of books by different yoga teachers with overlapping content, we would first access universally agreed-upon core principles.
Then, based on our interests, we could explore broader descriptions, diverse methodologies, specific exercises, or nuanced interconnections.

This method accelerates learning, grasping the essence of topics in a broader context and helping us create a more truthful, holistic understanding of the world. It is a significant leap from today’s fragmented and narrowly specialised perspectives.


My Experience of Synergetic Communication

Let me share my first experiences of synergetic communication with you.
It was in Occupy London. One Saturday was a symposium on ‘Direct Democracy’ in front of St. Paul Cathedral. Around 300-400 people were sitting down on the stairs. A speaker said:

“We could bring you experts to lecture for hours, who can speak to you for hours. However, you will still just be passive listeners, but true direct democracy is about you.
Share your ideas, make decisions, and shape how you want to live.
Please form small circles of about seven people, discuss ideas, evolve in your circle, and choose a delegate to share them with the whole group.”

Our circle had just one idea—mine—but it didn’t matter. Unlike in hierarchical structures, self-assertion wasn’t the goal. We honestly searched for the best solution together. After presenting my idea, people asked inspiring questions, which helped me refine and evolve it. Others offered valuable suggestions, improving the concept further. We aimed to write down some brief outcomes that we could share with others.

This process repeated as circles shared their work. Questions led to refinements, sparking new ideas.
My original concept evolved into something far greater than I’d imagined.
We developed hundreds of ideas in this way.

The group’s collective intelligence might be equivalent to an IQ of 2000–3000. Its creativity was staggering, producing far beyond individual capabilities.

We also fully use the potential of every member of the herd (neuron network), unlike in a centralised hierarchy, where most people would be just passive cells with a small chance to contribute.

It showed me that how we organise ourselves determines how we thrive. The same group, structured hierarchically, would have operated with limited creativity and easily manipulated.


The New Form of Live

We weren’t just a bunch of people—there was much more. We created a new form of life, an amazing new organism—and it has a Spirit!
The energy between us synergised, and the atmosphere inside was very thick – compact. My ego wasn’t so important anymore. The group entity was more important than me, which was very liberating. I felt a new, beautiful purpose for my existence and was unimaginably happy. I experienced incredible bliss, and tears of joy streamed down my face… Even today, when I recall those moments, I get goosebumps all over my body!
I wish all my brothers and sisters could experience such a profound connection between such a large group of people. We can have much more profound connections in bigger groups. 

We now stand on the threshold of a new era and evolutionary step. It may be the first step in evolution that we take consciously.
We are going to create a new form of life, a new amazing, thinking living organism:

Global Human Collective Intelligence


So far, we have been living in local collective intelligence, similar to flocks of birds, schools of fish,  colonies of insects, or a troop of monkeys.

Collaboration prevailed in our tribes, but competition with others was often present. In our relations, there will always be competition and collaboration. However, this new structure prioritises collaboration not just locally but globally.


Emotional and Mental Affect

Our egos may resist merging, fearing loss of individuality. Yet, this process doesn’t erase the ego—it enriches it by adding a collective dimension.

Developed rational thinking increases our ego. Ego is closing and separating us from each other and Onennes, causing today’s epidemic of mental and emotional disasters.
The permanent fight about control and domination of each other causes fear and stress.
A shallow reason for our existence defined by ego focused on pleasure and experience doesn’t make us happy. Missing a higher transcendent reason for our existence causes depression.

To achieve another level of happiness, we must take the next evolutionary step: open up and unite—create the Global Human Collective Intelligence (GHCI).


I can hear like many readers think:
‘That’s impossible. Look around at how selfish and egocentric people are. We will need thousands of years of evolution to get these qualities.’

No, it won’t be long, slow evolution changes. It is a quantum jump. It’s an awaking (opening) process. Already, many of us realise that we are not just separated individuals, but we are also parts of larger units, such as Gaia and the whole Universe! With a depth of awakening and amount of people, it is easier to awake for others. At the moment when it will awaken a critical amount of people, it will awaken more-less all of us.

Then, as we also change how we communicate and our sociological-economic system, awakening and opening up will be easier. In a few decades, the next generations will hardly imagine how we could be so blind and not see the connections that make us Oneness!


Self-Governance (End of Politic)

Synergistic communication will reshape governance. People will use their synergised potential to develop solutions instead of relying on rulers (politicians or kings). Collective solutions that use the potential of all participants will be much more efficient, balanced, and complex.
People who see themselves as part of higher structures are more mature and naturally take responsibility for their higher body – for their society.

Initially, this collective intelligence may wield moral authority rather than legal power.
However, its influence will grow, making hierarchical structures like parliaments obsolete.

Collective intelligence takes over very quickly—literally in a few days. The dark medieval period, with Parliament*, became history. All old structures of corporations, banks, and puppet governments with their armies will be insignificant next to the new form of life—the Global Human Collective Intelligence.

The circle will close. This time, we will return to self-governed, free societies at higher societal levels.


* Parliament is the UK invention from the 13th century, but the Roman Empire Senate is much older.


Let’s Make Synergeticum! 

My point on the brainstorming at Occupy London was that all great ideas will disappear if we don’t record them. Collective intelligence like this needs to have a tangible outcome! So, we need an online Information System where we can save all these amazing ideas to share with others and continue evolving…


Firstly, I hope that people around Occupy London will be working on this system. However, I haven’t found a similar system for years.
I realised that I could not rely on somebody else to make it!
Who, if not me? When, if not now?
I had to take responsibility, and we started making it with a couple of friends. We are developing a system of synergetic communication called Synergeticum.

We can develop the best solutions using simple algorithms based on collective evaluations.

Recently, the Universe sent us another revolutionary invention to help us with this next evolutionary step:
Artificial intelligence has great potential to help us facilitate and merge our ideas and minds.


If this vision resonates with you, join us in shaping a brighter, more connected future.
+44 7788 538 272


Read first part:
Where Does the Evolution of Life Go?


To be continued…


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Tibi’s blog’s
Aspects of Movement