Chi Kung / Qigong

In our Chi Kung (Qigong) program, we focus on:
1. Fire
2. Expand and condense
3. Balance
4. Breathing
5. Relax
6. The flow of the sky’s energy


1. Fire

Fire is the power which lifts us every morning from the bed against the gravitational power.

Different cultures call this vital energy of life differently… The Chinese call it Chi or Qi, Indian Prana or Kundalini, in Slavic culture it is called Zhiva (Živa / Жива  “zhiv” = alive; “zhivot” = life).
In the English language, I prefer to use the word ‘Fire’, because it evokes the quality and helps us visualise this power…


From a chemical point of view, every cell of our bodies has a small burning fire. We call this process cellular respiration. During cellular respiration, the cell uses oxygen to break down sugar. Breaking down sugar produces the energy your body needs. So you have trillions of small fires into your body.


2. Expand and condense

Expansion and condensing happen everywhere and all the time.
It affects all of us, whether we are aware of it or not.
But let me assure you, that awareness of this aspect in any part of being will open for you new dimensions of understanding and freedom.

We are working with 2 concepts of expand and condense:
1. Slavic-Vedic way
2. Chinese way 


3. Balance

The most efficient posture is balanced.
Every deflection from balance is compensated with extra muscles work or hanging on tissue in the worse position.

You acted upon, by two main forces:
Gravity pulls you down, and fire pulls you up.
A healthy body can flow like water.
However, at the same moment, it floats like fire upwards to the sky.

How does balance work?
We have to make a construction against this force.
We build up this construction from the ground.
Firstly we are juggling with our shin, then on the shin, we are balancing with a thigh, a torso, and finally the head.
So, your body is not a solid construction but a balancing chain, therefore we need a long time to learn to stand up..
Balance is a dynamic process.
Read more in Flow of balance.

If you have enough inner Fire, you automatically float up to your optimum point of balance.


4. Breathing

Breathing has a massive effect on the quality of the physical body and on the state of mind.
Breathing can help with pain, fear and stress; or it can literally paralyse us.

For some reason, we believe that holding the breath helps us to move. We close the throat to create inner tension to support us from the inside of the chest.
We spend more energy on using surface muscles, rather than utilise core muscles.
We use surface muscles when we engage in strenuous physical activity when we are stressed, shocked when we feel pain, and when we want to be precise…
By holding the breath we naturally tense up,  we are in effect expending more energy.

By holding the breath, oxygen ceases to flow to your body! We need oxygen for the brain and muscles, especially in stressful situations.

Another usual restriction is binding breathing with movements. E.g. exhale on exertion: during push-ups exhale on the push, and inhale as you bring yourself down… Are you free to inhale on the push? Are you free to breathe in a different rhythm than the rhythm of the movement? Cutting off the link between your motion and breathing brings you a new kind of freedom.

Read more: Seven breathing principles Systema


5. Relax

Undesirable tension consumes a lot of our energy and makes us feel tired. It will massively affect the efficiency of your body, training plan & sports goals…


Also, your antagonistic muscles with undesirable tension work against your motion – this negation of your power makes you slower and weaker.
On the other hand, relaxed muscles spend less energy, making you more efficient. E.g. if a marathon runner releases 10% of his tension, he has about 10% more energy to run quicker.
Then, high tension can also limit your training. If you relaxed your muscles, you could increase your training plan.

Another reason why your relaxed body is much more efficient moves easier and quicker is higher sensitivity.

Undesirable tension slows down regeneration and produces toxins.

Too tensed tissue is the cause of many sports injuries. Too tensed muscles, tendons & ligaments are more fragile (like too drawn spring of a guitar) – it can be easily injured.
Therefore it is essential to increase the elasticity of your tissue.

Relax creates a positive cascade effect. 


6. The Sun’s and Sky’s energy

The Sun is the crucial source of energy on this planet. Fossil fuel is just a kind of conserve of the Sun’s energy.
In the spring, when the Sun comes back, we can see how it affects whole nature and increases life.
Similar effect (but a bit weaker), also has other stars, which spread their energy to the whole Universe.
Some people say that Sky’s energy is bull shit, that it doesn’t exist. So, what charges our solar panels then..?

How to receive the Sun’s energy?
Free from your clothes (as much as is possible), turn towards the Sun and expand. Don’t forget to expand your vision – turn to peripheral vision.
It helps to visualise that you inhale the Sun’s / Sky’s energy and with exhaling the energy flows to the Earth…


We should bear in mind the earthing (also known as the grounding) of the electromagnetic energy which flows from the Sun and the whole Universe.
We are walking bare feet for the same reason why electricians wear rubber boots.

The electromagnetic energy flows:
a) freely from the head via the whole body and feet to the Earth. Earthing protects us from free radicals.
b) from the head via the entire body and feet where meet the rubber isolation, get stock turns back and make an electromagnetic mess in your body (it created free radicals).