The Secret of Non-Contact Fighting

The Secret of Non-Contact Fighting

by Tibi Moravcik On the Internet, there are a lot of videos featuring 'non-contact masters'. Some of them use magical poses, and their bodies are often rigid. No wonder that many of these 'non-contact masters' beat someone not nicely. However, there is also another category of 'non-contact masters'. They don't rely on non-contact techniques—they are great warriors in real physical fights. And you don't find any video where they would be beaten. If they used the non-contact concept, probably just in specific moments of physical fight to tilt the scales in their favour. We tend to consider...

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Inner Fire – Tapas (in Indian culture)

Inner Fire – Tapas (in Indian culture)

In the context of yoga and spiritual practice, "tapas" refers to the inner fire, discipline, or heat that fuels self-transformation and spiritual growth, encouraging dedication and perseverance in overcoming challenges and achieving goals. Meaning of Tapas: Tapas, derived from the Sanskrit verb "tap" meaning "to burn," represents the embodiment of discipline, determination, commitment, and perseverance. Inner Fire: It's often described as the inner fire or heat that drives us to take action, persist through difficulties, and honor our commitments, even when faced with challenges. Yoga's...

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Vedic Words With a Root ‘Ved’

Vedic Words With a Root ‘Ved’

Examples of word relationships with the root "ved/vid/vod" across Indo-European languages: Sanskrit: véda (वेद) - knowledge, sacred texts vidyá (विद्या) - knowledge, learning vindati (विन्दति) - to find, discover viveka (विवेक) - discernment, wisdom   Ancient Greek: oida (οἶδα) - I know idein (ἰδεῖν) - to see eidos (εἶδος) - form, idea (the origin of the word "idea") historia (ἱστορία) - inquiry, knowledge (originally meant "to learn")   Latin: videre - to see ...

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How to Deal with Anger?

How to Deal with Anger?

  Author: Tibi Moravčík Anger can be approached in various ways. Some people revel in what they call "righteous anger." Even in myths and religions, some gods succumb to this emotion.   Anger as a Source of Primal Strength Anger, alongside fear, is one of the fundamental "animal emotions," a product of the ego primarily designed to protect us. It manifests in the well-known "fight or flight" response. I know fighters who deliberately get hit at the start of a fight—or even hit themselves—to "ignite" their anger. They harness anger and its resulting power. In anger,...

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Do I have a responsibility only for myself or all structures of human society?

Do I have a responsibility only for myself or all structures of human society?

  One of the widely spread narratives is that: 'You shouldn't try to change society, but rather focus on changing yourself.'   I absolutely agree that we should work on our personal development. However, I don't agree that we should not affect our society.   I have more layouts, depending on the perspective from which I observe myself. I am this body but also part of society—family, town, state, global humanness, Gaia and the whole Universe.   In society, I share my influence with others. So, my influence is smaller as it grows in size. However, I am not without...

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Synergetic communication

Synergetic communication

    This is a continuum of the previous article: Where Does the Evolution of Life Go? by Tibi Moravcik   The way we communicate shapes the way we live. Without hesitation, we can place some of the most groundbreaking human inventions—language, writing, the printing press, the telegraph, the radio, and the Internet—at the heart of human progress.   The Evolution of Human Communication In early human tribes and clans, people made decisions together in circles. Ideas evolved in spirals, harnessing the collective potential of all participants. Circles were...

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Where Does the Evolution Go?

Where Does the Evolution Go?

by Tibi Moravcik   Life is evolving from smaller, simpler structures to more complex ones. To illustrate this basic trend, let's simplify the process of evolution: Atoms create molecular structures. Molecules form bacteria, viruses, and mitochondria. These evolve into single-cell organisms, creating multicellular organisms that eventually live in societies.   What Drives Life Toward Complexity? Likelihood to survive. The chance of survival increases with collaboration and group size. Smaller structures realise that their chances of survival improve in larger groups and through...

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Expand your awareness to be more alive

Expand your awareness to be more alive

by Tibi Laska Moravcik   How would your life be without senses? Why would consciousness incarnate into matter if it couldn’t be experienced through the senses? One crucial quality of life is the ability to respond to stimuli. Life can respond to environmental changes, and this responsiveness involves sensory perception. The quality of our senses defines the quality of our life. What if you had a more sensitive perception? How would you enjoy food if you lost your sense of taste, and how if you have a very delicate taste? How would you experience a beautiful sunset...

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Expanding and Stretching

Expanding and Stretching

There is a difference between stretching and expanding. Stretching is based on mechanical flexion (bending an arm, leg or back). Flexion stretches muscles, tendons and fasciae in combination with a skeleton. Stretching puts pressure on the involved joints and discs! Stretching doesn't demand your attention. Expansion and contraction usually have the direction of a line, plane or sphere and happen without flexion. Expanding on Pravilo decompresses every joint and spinal disc between all straps. Less pressure stops or slows down the detrition of joints, making space...

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Decision-Making Centres of a Person

Decision-Making Centres of a Person

I write the following lines to deepen my understanding of the motivations behind my actions. I share them because they may inspire others, and I welcome discussion. The division of decision-making centres is symbolic and indicative; in reality, the centres are interconnected, mutually influencing each other, and multiple centres often contribute to the final decision. Main Decision-Making Centres of a Person: Heart. Through the Heart, our essence manifests, which is also referred to as Consciousness, Soul, or Love. Living according to the Heart leads to happiness, peace, and calm....

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