Vital posture – Be like Fire OLD

Let your Inner Fire lift you up 

How to have a relaxed liquid posture created by Inner Fire?


Gravitational power pulls you down.
Vital energy – Inner Fire lift you up.

We tend to hang down on the skeleton passively. A collapsed position causes deformation of our posture and is often a cause of a backache.
In a collapsed position, the flow of the Inner Fire is restricted – we have less vital energy – Inner Fire, we trust ourselves less, we are ‘down’.



In a hanging position, via a screwed body, we are like a fireplace with a blocked chimney. A good chimney creates a draft to pull the Inner Fire upwards. Therefore, we have to keep a nice, straight, but relaxed position. The Inner Fire flows much nicely and smoothly via the nice straight body.

Also, undesirable tension restricts not just our movements; it restricts the floating of Inner Fire. Tension makes our ‘chimney’ narrower.
It’s also good to regularly clean your tissue from toxins by massage.


When we try to ‘straighten up’, we often do so like a tree: stiff and solid. So it is not a good idea to copy the quality of wood.
It’s healthy to have a liquid quality of the body.
Later on, you can be even smoother; we want to float as Fire.

You don’t need to exert extraordinary effort; relax and let the Inner Fire create your posture.
If you are sensitive, we can feel how the Inner Fire lifts your body.
Better position increases Inner Fire, and it will pull you up easier…

The Inner Fire lift could lift you up like a hot balloon – by hagging on the inner fire, which makes you lighter…





The Inner Fire is lifting us up, and we wave with our bodies, as the wind waves a flag…



Inner Fire



How does balance work?
Our physical body is attracted by gravitational force towards the earth.
We have to make a construction against this force.
We build up this construction from the ground.
Firstly we are juggling with our shin, then on the shin, we are balancing with a thigh, a torso, and finally the head.
So, your body is not a solid construction but a balancing chain, therefore we need a long time to learn to stand up..


Dynamic process

Let’s start with a small experiment.
Feed together, stay straight, try to be your tallest, close your eyes and relax..
What do you feel? Are you static or a bit wobbly?
Do you feel how your muscles around your body are switching on and off to keep you balanced?
‘A standing body’ is not static, it’s a dynamic process.

Even if you tense up, you are still using a small amount of power to keep balance, you just don’t feel it for your tension.

So, relax and turn your mind inside to develop this feeling, then take your training partner & feel it on him & finally you can also see it.

Work with this internal flow gives you a massive advantage in the fight or in many sports.