Expand & Condense
Chinese way

The picture is from the book: I Liq Chuan® System Guide Booklet


Condense – energy movement from all extremes to dan tian through yin tissues and 90 degrees from the skin surface to the bone on the yin side of the body.
Expand – energy movement away from ming men towards all extremes through yang tissue and 90 degrees from the bone to the skin surface on the yang side of the body!

Then big and small – gestures condense and expand. Every point must return, it’s a cycle. It’s a cycle, not a reverse. Since it’s a cycle—that means it must have a separation: Left Right, Up Down, Forward Back—so you travel from this side and you come to down this side: go out from yang and come back on yin. Bone, joints are where the ligaments and tendons are.

The ligament and tendons have 2 groups of muscles: yin and yang. That means it’s only 2 lines: yin line and yang line. The quality of the yin line has two energies:

Yin lineAbsorbing to dan tien; then also condensing to the bone.

Yang lineExpanding out from ming men—that means it’s projecting from ming men going out to the fingernail and toenail and coming back from fingertips to the dan tien—must be separated by the bone.’



* source: https://iliqchuan.com/wiki_cats/sifu-says/


Grand Master Sam Chin is teaching TibiI Liq Chuan – Zhang Xin Dao (functional Chi Kung).

Veda – System of Life

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