
Vital energy – inner Fire

Chi – Qi – Prana – Kundalini – Zhiva – Жива 


Fire is the power which lifts us every morning from the bed against the gravitational force.
Different cultures call this vital energy of life differently… The Chinese call it Chi or Qi, Indian Prana or Kundalini, in Slavic culture it is called Zhiva (Živa / Жива “zhiv” = alive; “zhivot” = life).
In the English language, I prefer to use the word ‘Fire’, because it evokes the quality and helps us visualise this power…

From a chemical point of view, every cell of our bodies has a small burning fire. We call this process ‘cellular respiration’. During cellular respiration, cells use oxygen to break down sugar. Breaking down sugar produces the energy your body needs. So you have trillions of small fires into your body.


Let’s have a look at involved aspects of your inner Fire…


Spark of Spirit

The Fire has to be lighted.
Our inner Fire is lighted by Spirit, Soul, Puruṣha, God – call it as you want.
A nicer, cheerful hearth full of love makes nicer Spark for your inner Fire.



Fire needs oxygen. Therefore it is crucial to breathing correctly to have proper inner Fire – good vital energy.

Free-breathing – breathing which is not restricted and interrupted by undesirable tension (or mask) makes you feel younger and live a higher quality of life!
I can recommend spending as much time outdoors in nature.
We are breathing better during sport, dance or other dynamic activity.


Deep proper breathing aerates your internal Fire in a similar way as blowing into Fire aerates it.



It is essential to have a good quality of healthy food to have high-level Fire.

Too much food burden your digestive system and consume a lot of Fire. Directions could consume even 70% of your vital energy.
For the high level of inner Fire, I recommended having an empty stomach. Personally, I have the most Fire after 4-7 days of fasting.



Next to mentioned digestion, undesirable tension is one of the biggest consumers of our vital energy.
Therefore it is good to be aware of the tension and be relaxed.

Active and dynamic motion as a sport, dance or martial art use your vital energy, but next day give you even more. So, sport from a longer perspective charge you with vital energy and increase the quality and capacity of your vital energy.



Fire flows better through a relaxed, straight body.

We tend to hang down on the skeleton passively; we do not use the Fire to lift us up!
A collapsed position causes deformation of our posture and is often a cause of a backache. In a collapsed position, the flow of the Fire is restricted – we have less vital energy – Fire, we trust ourselves less, we are ‘down’.



In hanging position, via a screwed body, we are like a fireplace with a blocked chimney. A good chimney creates a draft to pull the Fire upwards. Therefore, we have to keep a nice, straight, but relaxed position. The Fire flows much nicely and smoothly via the nice straight body.
Also, undesirable tension restricts not just our movements; it restricts the floating of Fire. Tension makes our ‘chimney’ narrower.
It’s also good to regularly clean your tissue from toxins by massage.



When we try to ‘straighten up’, we often do so like a tree: stiff and solid. It is not a good idea to copy the quality of wood. It’s healthy to have a liquid quality of the body. Later on, we want to be even smoother; we want to float as Fire.


The Fire is lifting us up, and we wave with our bodies, as wind waves a flag…


A relaxed, flowing body posture directly affects your emotions. You will believe yourself- your feelings, you will see your life more positively, etc.
We don’t need to exert extraordinary effort; we relax and let the Fire create our postures.
If we are sensitive, we can feel how the Fire lifts our bodies.
Better position increases Fire, and it will pull you up more…

This video explains how Fire creates our posture:




Expand & condense


The expanded body has more fire than condensed.

Expansion and condensing happen everywhere and all the time.
It affects all of us, whether we are aware of it or not.
But let me assure you, that awareness of this aspect in any part of being will open for you new dimensions of understanding and freedom.




In the Chinese way, we can expand yang tissue and condense yin tissues to make a circle of these energies.



Let’s have a look at our emotion from the perspective of Fire, tension and expand/condense:

Happiness. The whole spectrum of Fire and tension, it can be very low or very high. The person is usually relaxed and expands to every direction.

Interest is an emotion with a lot of Fire. We expand to the sky or the object of interest,

Anger. The body is full of Fire. The energy of Fire is usually suppressed, condense by tension. It can be realised and shot to the object of anger.

Sadness usually accompanies a low level of Fire. The body is typically relaxed and condense. However, if it’s somebody very sad can have a bit more Fire and be tense.

Fear is very condensing, tense usually with less Fire.

Disgust usually comes with small Fire, condense and tension.

Positive surprise is full of Fire, very expanding and tense.

Negative surprise has a lower level of Fire, very condensing and tense.



The Sun’s and Sky’s energy

The Sun is the crucial source of energy on this planet. Fossil fuel is just a kind of conserve of the Sun’s energy.
In the spring, when the Sun comes back, we can see how it affects whole nature and increases life.
Similar effect (but a bit weaker), also has other stars, which spread their energy to the whole Universe.
Some people say that Sky’s energy is bull shit, that it doesn’t exist. So, what charges our solar panels then..?

How to receive the Sun’s energy?
Free from your clothes (as much as is possible), turn towards the Sun and expand. Don’t forget to expand your vision – turn to peripheral vision.
It helps to visualise that you inhale the Sun’s / Sky’s energy and with exhaling the energy flows to the Earth…


We should bear in mind the earthing (also known as the grounding) of the electromagnetic energy which flows from the Sun and the whole Universe.
We are walking bare feet for the same reason why electricians wear rubber boots.

The electromagnetic energy flows:
a) freely from the head via the whole body and feet to the Earth. Earthing protects us from free radicals.
b) from the head via the entire body and feet where meet the rubber isolation, get stock turns back and make an electromagnetic mess in your body (it created free radicals).

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