Relax and Tension


Our muscles work by contracting – tensing up. To every motion, staying or just to sitting, we need necessary muscles to work. However, very often, we use much more muscle tension to do the required jobs.

Then, when muscles finish the job, those could:
a) still work – keep same tension,
b) have a rest – be relaxed.

This undesirable tension consumes a lot of our energy and makes us feel tired. It will massively affect the efficiency of your body, training plan & sports goals…

Also, your antagonistic muscles with undesirable tension work against your motion – this negation of your power makes you slower and weaker.
On the other hand, relaxed muscles spend less energy, making you more efficient. E.g. if a marathon runner releases 10% of his tension, he has about 10% more energy to run quicker.
Then, high tension can also limit your training. If you relaxed your muscles, you could increase your training plan.

Another reason why your relaxed body is much more efficient moves easier and quicker is higher sensitivity.

Undesirable tension slows down regeneration and produces toxins.

Too tensed tissue is the cause of many sports injuries. Too tensed muscles, tendons & ligaments are more fragile (like too drawn spring of a guitar) – it can be easily injured.
Therefore it is essential to increase the elasticity of your tissue.

Relax creates a positive cascade effect. 


How can we get rid of undesirable tension?


Firstly it is essential to be aware of undesirable tension. Therefore, practice dynamic meditations to develop an awareness of your tension – develop internal feeling (kinesthesia and proprioception).  Internal feeling massively affects the intensity of life.

Crucial is to have a good, balanced posture. Remember: every disbalance of your posture is compensated by undesirable tension!

It helps to have a lot of inner Fire (vital energy Chi / Qi / Prana / Kundalini / Zhiva).
Fire lifts you up, and you can use fewer muscles’ power – be more relaxed.

Expanding naturally relaxes your body. Condense tens you up, study this aspect and be aware of it!
And again, you can replace muscles work with the power of expanding and condensing fasciae.

Very helpful are bodywave – waving movements because waves naturally break down the rigid tissue. If you try to wave, let the kinetic energy flow via your body, your brain subconsciously turns off a lot of undesirable tension to be able to flow.

Stretching is an excellent method not just to make your body more elastic and supple, but also get rid of undesirable tension.

Breathing has a massive influence on your tension. Be aware of holding your breath to do some job and get rid of this bad habit. With breathing exercise, you can realise pain and muscles tension.

Another way which could be helpful to get rid of undesirable tension is massage therapy. You can massage yourself or visit a specialist who usually can turn off a lot of your muscle tension by stimulation of your muscles & attachments.
No wonder that professional sports teams have a club massage therapist… Massage is also an excellent method to prevent injury.

The crucial thing is your mindset. Physical tension is directly linked with mental tension–stress.

With the awareness of tension in your physical body, you can start building up good habits to manage your mental and physical tension subconsciously.

There are also other methods of how to relax, e.g. a sauna, super dynamic movements etc.; However, the best is to combine all the mentioned methods.

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